Fireworks & Pyro Projects Ebook


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Price: $ 97
Added 2020-03-24 15:16:43
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Fireworks & Pyro Projects eBook, is the largest and most exciting collection of practical fireworks projects ever assembled in one book.Why does John Steinberg call Fireworks & Pyro Projects "the ultimate guide to the pyro hobbyist's universe?"Because it is the largest collection of fireworks projects --more than 120-- ever written.Because they were written by living fireworks masters using materials available to anyone today.Look at what you get in Fireworks & Pyro Projects. All 120+ projects were previously published in Skylighter's newsletters. Now they have been reformatted, updated and neatly organized into a single book. You can download all of these projects minutes from now.

Making Incredible Aerial Shells: 11 projects
Making Fireworks Rockets Better than Anything You've Ever Seen: 21 projects
Making Fireworks Stars in Every Color of the Rainbow: 25 projects
Making Your Own Black Powder That's Better Than Storebought: 3 projects
Using Consumer Fireworks to Make Knockout Fireworks Displays: 11 projects
How Fusing & Electric Ignition Really Make Professional Fireworks: 8 projects
Ground Effects, the Secret Fireworks That Dazzle Audiences: 23 projects
Equipment, Tools & Processes: Everything You Need to Make Your Own Fireworks: 11 projects
Technical: The Details You Need to Know: 9 projects

What readers like about Fireworks & Pyro Projects

In a nutshell it is the variety of projects & total scope of the book. Simply put, no book on making fireworks has ever covered this much ground, nor done such a thorough job of it.
"I also like that it's written simply and clearly. I've got a couple of other pyro books, and they wander off out into the weeds on the technical aspects that I don't yet understand. That's made it difficult for me to really get started... I can get my feet wet and learn the basics without being bogged down.



Lagos Nigeria



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